Just my thoughts on food, sex, booze, and our crazy life

About this

I'm a paleo eating, sometimes crossfit doing, unabashed Harry Potter fanatic (our child's name is Harry, I don't fuck around) who just happens to be married to the love of my life. I'm also my Sir's pet and willing submissive who enjoys nothing more than kneeling at his feet and resting my head on his lap. This blog is a place for me to record and process our journey as it happens through food, sex, booze, and D/s.

Sir and my relationship has never been what you might call easy. I can be extremely opinionated (read bitchy), and he can be well, a bit of an ass himself. But after trying to be married without any structure to our lives, and things feeling like a constant fight for dominance we decided that we would try something different. We had previously tried to make a D/s relationship work, but because of where our lives were at the moment it just didn't work for us. But this time around we set up guidelines, drew up a contract and figured out how things were going to work.

After some time our marriage seems happier, our sex life is better, and we feel more like ourselves. Our home is filled with less arguing and more talking, and there is not the constant struggle for power that we had before. Things haven't been perfect, and we are continuing to work through some rough patches, but with me at his feet and trusting his leadership we both feel more optimistic about everything.

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