Just my thoughts on food, sex, booze, and our crazy life

Monday, August 19, 2013

The importance of rituals

Rituals are the cornerstone of our lives, in our D/s relationship and our life as a whole. They are what govern our days, months, and seasons. Our faith is composed of many rituals; we adhere to a daily prayer rule, we fast on certain days throughout the year, we cross ourselves upon entering the church, etc.. As with our faith, our lives are likewise composed. When Sir gets home from work I kneel and take his shoes off for him. When I run errands or go the gym I text/call him when I get there and when I leave. In the mornings I ask him which pair of panties he wants me to wear that day, and the list goes on. These rituals are not major events in my day, they take maybe three minutes to complete each one, but they are what keep my submission to him going throughout the day. But there is always a sense of wanting more; more rituals to keep my focus on him and more ways for me to serve him.

Unfortunately, we will be without these rituals for these next nine days as tomorrow I'll be taking our little one and going to visit family. As much as I love my family, and they adore our little one, nothing stresses me out more than a visit home. Because of Sir's work schedule he isn't able to come with us, and so I'm making the trip home (and little one's first flight) by myself. Nervous as hell, and trying to not let myself get too stressed. It's times like these that make me need our rituals more than ever. When I gave myself to Sir and let go of the control I was grasping with an iron clad fist life became so much easier. Traveling alone forces me into a position where I'm the sole decision maker, and I can't rely on his lead or comfort. Moreover, visiting family almost always brings out the bitch in me, which does nobody any good, and is best cured by Sir either taking control back from me or simply giving me something to focus on my energies on, which won't be possible for the next 9 days. I'm hoping beyond hope that this visit goes smoothly, for everyone's sake. And I'm already counting the days when I will be back home.

Speaking of coming home, we will be looking at the contract when I return. I'm hoping for more structure and dominance, but we'll see what happens.

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